Monthly Archives: April 2014

Haiku Horizons prompt “sound”

Welcome to week 10 of Haiku Horizons. This week’s prompt is “sound“. Haiku Horizons will provide a haiku prompt each Sunday. Write a haiku based on the prompt and link to your post by clicking on the image below. For additional details, read the About page. To offer prompt suggestions, click on the “Prompts” tab. Enjoy!

Haiku Horizons prompt “empty”

Welcome to week 9 of Haiku Horizons. This week’s prompt is “empty“, suggested by Laurie at hibernationnow. Haiku Horizons will provide a haiku prompt each Sunday. Write a haiku based on the prompt and link to your post by clicking on the image below. For additional details, read the About page. To offer prompt suggestions, click on the “Prompts” tab. Enjoy!

Haiku Horizons prompt “snow”

I’ve been looking at the suggested Prompts tab for Haiku Horizons, and the word most seen is “snow“. It tends to have the word “not” in front of it. In honor of April Fool’s Day, I will not be using this prompt today or at any time in the near future. Stay tuned for a *real* prompt next Saturday. 😉

For a bit of fun writing response haiku, don’t forget to visit Haiku Circus, with a new prompt every Wednesday.