
Welcome to Haiku Horizons! This site is a haiku prompt page. Each Sunday a new prompt will appear. You can post your own haiku in response to the prompt and publish a link to your response. The prompt page will automatically display all links to the prompt.

Feel free to write multiple haiku if you desire. The only guidelines I will provide are to keep each haiku to 3 lines with no more than 17 syllables. The most common form is 5-7-5 syllables per line.

Feel free to suggest possible prompts under the Prompt tab.

29 thoughts on “About

  1. Panchali

    Wow!! A wonderful Initiative to keep the haiku-lovers engaged, oneofaclass!!! Rallentanda brought me here…thanks heaps, Rllentanda for your kind gesture.
    Even I was really missing HH…:(

  2. menons129

    This is a great initiative on your part. Every body was missing Haiku Heights, you have given Haiku lovers a good alternative;.
    I have one observation. The post, depicting the topic is not visible on Sundays. Today is Wednesday. I saw it today. I checked it for the last three days/ but it was not there.

    1. oneofaclass Post author

      Thanks for your kind words! I schedule ahead of time each post to publish automatically at 10:00 AM PST. While I’ve heard that subscribers don’t get notified immediately, that is probably because WordPress has much to do and the message is delayed. When I look, usually a bit later on Sunday, I see it is active and someone has usually posted their haiku. The posting date is also correct, so I don’t know why you didn’t see it. I go directly to haikuhorizons.wordpress.com and find the latest at the top of the list. Best of luck to you and thanks for your contributions!

    2. pendantry

      I take this as just another example of WYSINWOG (what you see is not what others get). I find it helps to remember that time is an illusion (lunchtime, doubly so).

  3. the zen space

    You have an interesting site going on here. I am looking for some ‘new blood’ for the next Showcase at ‘the zen space’, and for subsequent Showcases too – I’ll not put a link in this comment, but just search for thezenspace(dot)wordpress(dot)com. I’m not looking for ‘same old same old’ haiku; 5-7-5 is fine by me, but I am also looking for people who can do exciting, in-the-moment things in very few words irrespective of form. Please feel free to visit, everyone.

      1. awisewomansjourney

        Thank you for replying. There is strange thing going on I guess with my computer. In the last week or so I have no longer been able to see the “Like” button on the page of people’s posts, and I can only see the “Follow” button on some of the blogs. I cannot see it on this one. If you have any insights about this I would be really grateful for your help. Thank you, Deborah

    1. awisewomansjourney

      You are brilliant my friend! I’ve been using Firefox. I also have Chrome and I copy & pasted the address for this page into Chrome and sure enough the blue button to follow this website showed up!!!! Thank you so much!!! I will have to start using Chrome for WordPress! I am so grateful for your help this problem has been driving me crazy! Much Love, Deborah


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