Haiku Horizons prompt “empty”

Welcome to week 9 of Haiku Horizons. This week’s prompt is “empty“, suggested by Laurie at hibernationnow. Haiku Horizons will provide a haiku prompt each Sunday. Write a haiku based on the prompt and link to your post by clicking on the image below. For additional details, read the About page. To offer prompt suggestions, click on the “Prompts” tab. Enjoy!

9 thoughts on “Haiku Horizons prompt “empty”

  1. Pingback: Empty | Pen Kisses Paper

  2. Pingback: Empty | Magical Mystical Teacher

  3. Pingback: Empty nest~ | Peach oleander...

  4. Pingback: Sparrows | Magical Mystical Teacher

  5. Pingback: Loveku | My Journey with Verse

  6. Pingback: Poem-a-Day #27 | Wabi Sabi ~~~ poems and images

  7. Pingback: After the Storm Front (Haiku) | Blog It or Lose It!

  8. Pingback: empty | milan rajkumar

  9. Pingback: Empty | The Purple Skye

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