Haiku Horizons prompt “return”

Welcome to week 3 of Haiku Horizons. This week’s prompt is “return“. Haiku Horizons will provide a haiku prompt each Sunday. Write a haiku based on the prompt and link to your post by clicking on the image below. For additional details, read the About page. Enjoy!

17 thoughts on “Haiku Horizons prompt “return”

  1. Pingback: return | milan rajkumar

  2. Pingback: Return(Haiku) | UnfetteredBS

  3. Pingback: Haiku Horizons -Return | Wabi Sabi ~~~ poems and images

  4. Chèvrefeuille

    What a wonderful idea to have a weekly prompt … I love to be part of this new challenge. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Kristjaan, but as a haiku-poet I write under the name Chèvrefeuille. I have my own daily haiku meme and right now we are on a pilgrimage along the 88 temples of Shikoku Island to honor Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon-Buddhism. You are invited to visit at: http://chevrefeuillescarpediem.blogspot .com

  5. Pingback: A Return to Right Thinking | Leonas Lines--Poetry Plus

  6. Pingback: Returning | Magical Mystical Teacher

  7. Pingback: Joy Returns~ | Peach oleander...

  8. cheryl

    I must say Classie you’ve created a welcoming place for haikuers, if that’s a word. I’ve just read each and every contribution and am amazed at the diversity “return” has created. Salute you and thank you for making the time to provide us a home.

  9. Pingback: Ribbons of Vapor (Haiku) | Blog It or Lose It!

  10. Pingback: Return | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

    1. oneofaclass Post author

      I added your link. Next time, after you click on the blue frog, click on “Add your link”. Under “URL:” enter the link to your post like you did above (i.e. http://…). Under name, enter the name you wish to appear (e.g. Ayushee Ghoshal). Under email, enter your email address. Then click on “Submit link”.

      Thanks for joining us here!

  11. Pingback: Haiku Horizons “Return” – The Otter's Holt: Blossom Vydrina's Blog

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